Our Trails
BVSC manages more than 30 miles of mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding trails in and around the Buena Vista area. The majority of our trails are at an intermediate level for mountain biking, with the exception of Vitamin B, South Broken Boyfriend, and Unchained, which are expert and beyond.
TRAIL Conditions
Our dry, mostly sunny weather means our trails are in great shape most of the year. We build sustainable trails that minimize erosion and move water off the trail. But there are times when using our trails can damage them:.
Please stay off trails immediately after a big summer rain storm and during freeze/thaw cycles after a snow event.
If you encounter a section of the trail with standing water, ride/hike/run right through. This helps keep the intended trail intact and minimizes widening the trail and alternative routes.
Western-facing trails receive a lot of sun & tend to dry quicker than Midland Trailhead area trails.
Following these simple guidelines will help keep our trails in good shape and minimize maintenance. Thank you for helping to minimize damage to our trails.
Enjoy the trails!